
My notes on life

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Mobile App Development

In class notes

To create a new repository on the command line (babbs way)

echo “# Mobile-App-Dev-Inclass” » git init git add -A (To add all files in working directory) git add git commit -m “first commit” git remote add origin git push -u origin master

(Mostly taken from githubs reference on blank repo)

[Alot of this material will be pulled from the Professor’s Github] (

Div.row [now press Tab] for Emmett autocomplte in HTML to generate <div class="row"></div>, This works for several html DOM elements such as ID. [I think these can be chained?]

Meadia queries breakpoints ref: here


Recreating React elements in JSX


Why learn ract when it’s supposed to be react.native? Have to understand component approach will learn hooks Immutable vs. mutable